5 Facial Cleansing Myths Debunked
Nov 18, 2021
5 Cleansing Myths Debunked. Myth #1: Oils clog, not cleanse. Fact #1: Oils can be a great option for a gentle, balancing cleanse. 
Stay Positive and Stress-Free with These Simple Tips
May 04, 2021
If you feel like there’s always something to worry about, you’re not alone. Stress often...
What is Bathscaping?
Mar 06, 2021
While taking a bath will always be more than a moment to be captured on Instagram, something is happening in the world of bathing. After months of lockdown stress, the bathroom has become a haven from the day’s events, as influencers and innovators encourage us to see it as a hub for selfcare. 
Why you should trust your intuition
Feb 18, 2021
Intuition is something that we have actively been taught not to use. Like so many other internal navigation systems that are useful to us but we've been forced to mistrust and have unlearned since childhood - intuition is key to finding your own pace and peace.
LIHA's self-care rituals
Feb 11, 2021
It’s so much easier to speak to ourselves in a critical tone. To think about the things we haven’t done on our list, or about all the unread emails that tower over us, or hide under the bed like monsters as we drift off to sleep.
Breathing to reduce stress
Jan 18, 2021
One of the coping mechanisms I'm using when I feel overwhelmed or just stressed out is to breathe. It sounds like a no brainer, but how many of us are consciously taking breaths? Deep, meaningful breaths?