LIHA Black soap
Dec 05, 2019
 One can easily mistake the magical healing benefits of African black soap for the elixir of youth. With powerful antioxidants, antifungal and antibacterial properties this miracle product is essential to any beauty routine. At LIHA we have taken care to ensure that our Oso Gidi soap is all natural, ethically sourced and handmade with care and tradition at the heart of it.
The benefits of Raw Shea butter
Dec 04, 2019
Raw Shea butter. You’ve definitely heard of it, seen it or used it in some...
"Keep It Cute" Combinations - Best Friend Gift Guide
Nov 22, 2019
We've created our "Keep It Cute" bundles especially for you this festive season. Each bundle has been...
Kirstie's Handmade Christmas Shea Butter Whip
Nov 28, 2018
Abi and I were pretty hyped when we got the call for to make some...
The History of the Dahomey Amazons
Aug 01, 2018
I first came across these phenomenal warriors when researching pre-colonial matriarchal societies in West Africa....
Zero Waste Spotlight: Mamalina
Jul 23, 2018
We first met Emma Ross, aka @mamalina at one of our early product launches. We...